Tuesday 9 August 2011

something im working on...

If you dont know who this is, get out from under the rock your living under. But seriously you should know it's lord Voldemort from Harry Potter. Anyway, this is going to be part of something hopefully much larger when completed... Yhats if i ever get round to finishing it... All the characters are being sketched seperately as i plan to layer them into one big Harry Potter thingy... Until then i will post all the characters stages:)

Monday 8 August 2011

Shaun Of The Dead

 for this one, i drew both characters first in pencil then painted them in layes with pixlr. verry confusing, im sure but im rather pleased with it. Anyway, Shaun of the Dead is a brilliant zombie comedy film by Simon Pegg and Edgar Write starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. 
 stages of Simon Peggs character Shaun (starting with the pencil sketch)
and the stages of Ed played by Nick Frost


another old one, another painting on pixlr. done around the time of the release of scream4.

hi, im Paul

this was done a while back using a free online painting software called pixlr.com
for those who don't know who paul is, well hes a character in a film of the same starring Seth Rogen, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. its a bloody good film so if you havent already, i suggest you go watch it.